What We Do

We provide support and resources which will enhance the mission of SEHD. To this end, we provide budgeting, accounts payable and payroll support for the dean’s office as well as support for our school.

Procedural Changes During COVID-19

For the foreseeable future, the school’s Finance Office has implemented the following changes to general office procedures:

Outer suite door will remain locked and all office doors will remain closed.

There will be signage when exiting elevator for drop-ins to call 979-845-5311 for assistance. The front office will then contact the staff member to assist individuals.

  • Meetings will be conducted via Zoom. If a face-to-face meeting is required, an appropriate Harrington Tower conference room will be used to allow social distancing of a minimum of 6 feet.
  • Each person shall wear a face mask and be required to use hand sanitizer before and after the meeting All planned meetings will need to be scheduled through the call center at 845-5111.

Package delivery will continue to follow established Dean’s Office package delivery policy.

  • If a package arrives on the 8th floor that is meant to be delivered elsewhere, staff will contact the intended recipient asking them to schedule a time to come collect their package.
  • Deliveries should check in with the front office and the front office will contact the appropriate staff or direct the deliveries to the appropriate location.
  • Research supplies and equipment will be shipped to the PI or Research Personnel’s location of choice (office, lab, home, or CEHD central receiving location).
  • Computers and Post Award office supplies and equipment will be shipped to CEHD central receiving location.

  • EAHR-Requestor schedules a check-out time via email with Susan or Terica.
  • EPSY-Requestor schedules a check-out time on Bookafy.
  • HLKN-Requestor schedules a check-out time with Jessica.
  • TLAC-The business office will make all necessary purchases online, via phone.

Dean’s Office requestors should submit a purchase request form:

  • Prior to scheduled check-out time, card will be sanitized, dried, and locked in passcode-protected lockbox on wall in elevator bank.
  • To check in, requestors will drop card into a locked drop box next to the door to 803 Harrington Tower.

For Post-Award purchases:

  • Credit cards will be checked out only when in-person local use is necessary.
  • Online orders requiring shipment will be processed by Post Award staff.
  • Online order allowing store pickup will be processed by Post Award stiaff.
  • Food orders will be processed by Post Award staff when possible either by credit card or established account.

Business Managers will instruct new hires that the I-9 will be done remotely. When at all possible, remote access will be requested for Section 1, and Third Party verification following the guidance provided by HR:

  • If viewing documents in person is required, the employee will set up an appointment through the call center, 979-845-1111.
  • They will come to the 8th floor at the appointed time and call 979-845-5311 to let them know they are there.
  • HR staff will be notified that the person is waiting and then using protective mask and gloves, take their documentation and make copies.

Notarization of documents must be done face to face. Notary does not have authorization by the state to virtually notarize.

  • Please call 845-5313 to schedule appointment. If phone call goes through main line 845-1111, call will be transferred for scheduling or a message may be taken.
  • Meetings will be held in the 8th floor conference room.
  • Masks must be worn by all participants.
  • Hand sanitizer will be used by both parties before and after signing.
  • Notary will sanitize conference room once meeting is over.

Please contact our office with any questions.

Office Accessibility
Outer suite door will remain locked and all office doors will remain closed.

There will be signage when exiting elevator for drop-ins to call 979-845-5311 for assistance. The front office will then contact the staff member to assist individuals.

  • Meetings will be conducted via Zoom. If a face-to-face meeting is required, an appropriate Harrington Tower conference room will be used to allow social distancing of a minimum of 6 feet.
  • Each person shall wear a face mask and be required to use hand sanitizer before and after the meeting All planned meetings will need to be scheduled through the call center at 845-5111.
Package Routing
Package delivery will continue to follow established Dean’s Office package delivery policy.

  • If a package arrives on the 8th floor that is meant to be delivered elsewhere, staff will contact the intended recipient asking them to schedule a time on Bookafy to come collect their package.
  • The door to the 8th floor copy room will be unlocked at the appointed collection time, and will be promptly relocked after package collection.
  • Research supplies and equipment will be shipped to the PI or Research Personnel’s location of choice (office, lab, home, or CEHD central receiving location).
  • Computers and Post Award office supplies and equipment will be shipped to CEHD central receiving location.
Credit/Travel Cards

EAHR-Requestor schedules a check-out time via email with Susan or Terica
EPSY-Requestor schedules a check-out time on Bookafy.
HLKN-Requestor schedules a check-out time with Jessica.
TLAC-The business office will make all necessary purchases online, via phone.

Dean’s Office requestors should submit a purchase request.

  • Prior to scheduled check-out time, card will be sanitized, dried, and locked in passcode-protected lockbox on wall in elevator bank.
  • To check in, requestors will drop card into a locked drop box next to the door to 803 Harrington Tower.

For Post-Award purchases:

  • Credit cards will be checked out only when in-person local use is necessary.
  • Online orders requiring shipment will be processed by Post Award staff.
  • Online order allowing store pickup will be processed by Post Award staff.
  • Food orders will be processed by Post Award staff when possible either by credit card or established account.
I-9 Processing

Business Managers will instruct new hires that the I-9 will be done remotely. When at all possible, remote access will be requested for Section 1, and Third Party verification following the guidance provided by HR:

  • If viewing documents in person is required, the employee will set up an appointment through the call center, 979-845-1111.
  • They will come to the 8th floor at the appointed time and call 979-845-5311 to let them know they are there.
  • HR staff will be notified that the person is waiting and then using protective mask and gloves, take their documentation and make copies.
Notary Services

Notarization of documents must be done face to face. Notary does not have authorization by the state to virtually notarize.

  • Please call 845-5313 to schedule appointment. If phone call goes through main line 845-1111, call will be transferred for scheduling or a message may be taken.
  • Meetings will be held in the 8th floor conference room.
  • Masks must be worn by all participants.
  • Hand sanitizer will be used by both parties before and after signing.
  • Notary will sanitize conference room once meeting is over.

Business Office Staff

Jill Hobbs

Jill Hobbs

Assistant Dean for Finance

803D Harrington Tower
(979) 845-5365

Denise Garcia

Denise Garcia

Business Coordinator III

803B-1 Harrington Tower
(979) 845-4982

Priscilla Rios

Priscilla Rios

Business Coordinator III

803B-2 Harrington Tower
(979) 458-1078